Bulk Products...

Michigan Wood Fibers LLC offers numerous bulk product choices in several colors and textures. Customers of Michigan Wood Fibers have come to expect the excellent product quality, great customer service, prompt statewide deliveries, and competitive pricing. We are confident, you as well as your own customers, will appreciate the long lasting color and consistent texture that our products are known for.

We offer statewide deliveries up to 140 cubic yards per truckload. As a customer, you also have the option to pick up any of our bulk products at our facility in Zeeland, Michigan. We always stock our entire line of bulk products. When you need it, we'll have it!

Color Enhanced Mulches

Red Majestic Mulch

Black Majestic Mulch

Gold Majestic Mulch

Brown Majestic Mulch

Light Brown Majestic Mulch


Bark Mulches

Hardwood Bark

Premium Shredded Hardwood Bark

Cedar Bark

Red Pine Bark

Natural Wood Mulches

Natural Majestic Mulch

Large Wood Chips

Playground Material

Wood Fines

We also carry additional products that are not listed above. Pictures and information for these products are available upon request.